You will learn how to ...

Express anger without being hurtful

Engage your child's willing cooperation

Deal with negative feelings – frustration, disappointment, anger

Balance working at home with home schooling

Set firm limits and maintain goodwill

Use alternatives to punishment that promote self-discipline

Encourage positive relationships between your children

Use these same skills with spouses, colleagues, partners, bosses, neighbors and more ...

Talk to your kids about what's happening in school and social relationships

Discuss the use of social media and "screen time"

Resolve family conflicts peacefully

Deal with homework issues

Children that Cooperate ?!?!

It's not just a dream; it can be a reality in your own home.

70% of my parents notice a significant change in themselves and their children after the first week's session!

The promise of calm ...

I have been facilitating this workshop in the Long Island area (and now internationally via Zoom) for more than thirty years and have a personal relationship with one of the authors, Adele Faber. I always tell my participants that I don’t promise miracles, but I do promise calm. 

Learn more about the authors here